Bush Memorial Library is the academic library responsible for supporting students and faculty from Hamline's School of Business programs.
Whenever possible, the library hopes to provide you options for obtaining the data and literature you need without an expense to you.
Bush Library can help with these steps in the information process:
1) Guide you to sources where the information you need may exist
2) Help you formulate a search strategy
3) Help you to effectively search the library resources
4) Direct you to productivity tools to help you manage the organization of, and citation of, those sources.
The following books are available electronically.
Most ebooks have multi-user access. You may encounter a few titles that are subscribed to as "single user access." These titles will allow access once the current user closes the browser window.
Other recommended reading:
The steps below will help you to access all of the Harvard Business Review content available at Hamline.
Harvard Business Review has limited the access to about 500 of its articles. The restricted articles cannot be printed or saved.
1. Use this link for the library’s access to the: Harvard Business Review
2. Use the year links on the right side to navigate to the appropriate year, volume, and issue.
Click on “Search within this publication” and paste the article title into the second search box.