HamCAT is Bush Memorial Library's online catalog that includes books, ebooks, and much more.
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The main print book collection is found on the 3rd floor of Bush Memorial Library and is organized according to the Library of Congress (LC) system. All books, except for reference or rare items, are available for checkout.
Other print books available at Bush Library:
1st floor – Find encyclopedias, thesauri, and other authoritative reference sources that usually have bibliographies pointing to more in-depth resources. Reference books can be used anywhere within the library. We are transitioning our reference materials to electronic format, nevertheless print reference books can still be useful for background information. Note: most music reference books are not included in this collection (see below).
2nd floor – Juvenile books are grouped into fiction and nonfiction. Picture books (Children's Easy Readers) are shelved against the wall, back side of the main elevator shaft. Fiction is organized alphabetically by author's last name. Nonfiction is organized by the Dewey System as is common in many public and K-12 school libraries.
More information about our juvenile collections is available here.
2nd floor – organized by subject/topic on separate shelves (look for the globes): ESL/ELL, Foreign Language, Health, and Science; Music and Language Arts; Math; and Social Studies.
2nd floor – Pleasure reading books are organized by author's last name and are located near the BLI 202 classroom, across from the K-12 Textbooks & Curriculum Materials. Look for the shorter white book stacks.
3rd floor – Hamline student scholarship organized by degree name, then year, and finally by author's last name, located at the beginning of our 3rd floor book collection near the A call letters. More recent Capstones, Dissertations and Honors Projects are available on DigitalCommons@Hamline
, mostly from 2015 on.
3rd floor – music books and sheet music located in the gallery area - may be checked out.
3rd floor – against the wall, back side of the main elevator shaft. Music reference books cannot be checked out but can be used anywhere in the building.
1st floor – Go to the Central Service Desk to check out physical / print items that are on reserve. Often reserve items are now found in Leganto Reading Lists within Canvas. If so, click on the link for "Reading List" in your Canvas course (location may vary).
3rd floor – Print items that have been recently added to the collection are in the main print book collection, shelved among other books with similar call numbers. We no longer have a new book display. A reminder that books are organized by Library of Congress (LC) system call numbers.
See some of our newest books, both print and electronic, in HamCAT.
3rd floor – larger art and architecture books, atlases and special encyclopedias that don't easily fit well on our standard shelves. Oversized books are located next to the Capstones/Dissertations, at the beginning of the A call letters.
details about circulation and how to obtain library items whether hear, near or far
If you are a regular off campus student, primarily attending Hamline classes online from within Minnesota, use MNLink to request Interlibrary Loan (ILL) books via your local public library.
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