You can help Bush Library fulfill our mission of providing an excellent research environment for students and faculty:
- Friends of Bush Library Endowed Fund. Your gift to this fund will help stabilize our income for years to come, as we spend only the annual income. We use these funds to purchase books, databases, or fund special projects. Contact the Library Director or the Hamline Development Office (Institutional Advancement).
- Friends of Bush Library Annual Fund. Your gift to this fund is available to us this year to buy books, databases, or fund special projects such as large reference sets. Contact the University Librarian or the Development Office (Institutional Advancement).
- Named Funds. Donors establish or contribute to named funds to honor friends and family members who love reading, libraries and Hamline. Contact the Library Director or the Development Office (Institutional Advancement).
- Gifts in kind. We accept current books for our collection that would be used by our students for Hamline courses. We also accept valuable books for sale to purchase books, databases, or fund special projects. PLEASE contact Librarian Kimberly Feilmeyer to discuss your offer of any print materials! Thank you!