Interactivate: What's New
The Interactivate website provides numerous high quality resources that assist with the “creation, collection, evaluation, and dissemination of interactive courseware for exploration in science and mathematics." The For Teachers area showcases over a dozen recently updated lessons, including activities on Algorithm Discovery with Venn Diagrams and Conic Flyer Equations.
Institute for Science + Math Education
The site is clearly organized, with categories such as Projects, People and Partners. The Resources area features several excellent bibliographies that educators will enjoy, and the Next Gen Science Standards area outlines an innovative Framework for K-12 Science Education, including videos, PDFs and Webinars.
I Was Wondering
While the website and series are designed for middle-school-aged students, educators and parents can get behind the message: let's get girls involved in science. In addition to 10 Cool Scientists, kids can ask their own questions and receive an answer from an expert, or play fun and interesting activities and games, like the AstroScope, an online astronomy game.
Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots
For educators looking for a way to engage K-12 students in community activism and wildlife conservation, Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots is a welcome resource.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Educators will find the new Teach section especially helpful. Here STEM teachers will find dozens of Activities for a range of subjects, grades, and topics, such as Astronomy, Energy, Measurement.
Let's Talk Science
Let's Talk Science provides an overview of some fresh ideas about how to get kids interested in STEM. Programs & Resources section includes Curiocity, IdeaPark and other web-based programs for educators looking for fresh ideas to spark interest with their students.
Mars Education
Mars for Educators
This special Mars for Educators section of the NASA website features a wealth of great resources for teachers from elementary to high school.
Martian Canals Controversy
This lecture is number 19 of 20 in Dr. Barbara J. Becker of the University of California, Irvine course, Exploring the Cosmos; similar lesson plans for the remaining lectures may be found at the bottom of the page.
Molecularium Project
Nanospace, a web-based virtual theme park designed for students between first and eighth grade, utilizes games, activities, and short animations to provide an entertaining learning environment for children to explore the atomic world. Downloadable resources, such as a Teacher's Resource Guide to the Molecularium Project, are also available.
Morea Coral Reef
Educators may be particularly interested in the Education & Outreach link, which navigates to a separate website designed for teachers.
NASA Kids Club
It is time to engage your senses in outer space. Join the NASA Kids Club and take off into a universe of STEM activities that engage and inspire teaching and learning. Join the Discovery Crew with Buzz Lightyear, visit NASA with Elmo, explore outer space with Nebula, and follow those Angry Birds into another universe. NASA Kids Club guarantees an out-of-this-world experience. Tip: Use with a digital projector and full classes can get involved.
NIAMS Kids Pages
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Four categories - Healthy Muscles Matter, Healthy Skin Matters, Healthy Joints Matter, and Healthy Bone Matter - appear on the homepage. The information for each category is available in PDF format, which makes them handy for teaching aids.
NOAA Discover Your World
A free 158 page activity book from NOAA. You can download the complete package in one PDF or you can download it in three separate sections. The sections are titled Explore the Earth, Understand the Earth, and Protect the Earth. The book has a total of 43 activities appropriate for most K-12 classrooms.
NOAA Ocean Explorer
Lesson plans developed by scientists and educators during Ocean Explorer field seasons. These lessons are geared toward students in Grades 5-12. Presented here as Web-based education materials, each lesson plan corresponds with a specific ocean exploration and can be supplemented with daily logs prepared by scientists and educators during each mission at sea. Images and video captured in the daily logs provide an invaluable resource for teachers and students as they explore these lessons.
NOAA Sea Earth Atmosphere
Readers will find visualizations, videos, interactive games, lessons, posters, presentations, and audio archives on a broad range of ocean related topics.
NOVA - Can we make it on Mars?
This 53-minute episode of NOVA can be a useful supplement to educators' lesson plans about Mars.
NOVA - Dawn of Humanity
Explores the amazing discovery of ancient remains in South Africa that may help to rewrite our understanding of human and prehuman history. There are many worthwhile clips in the episode that can easily be integrated into lesson plans.