PBS: Science Girls
Explore basic science subjects in a narrative game format that is designed to keep kids interested. For parents, teachers, and others that work to get girls interested in science.
The Physics Classroom is an "online, free to use physics website developed for beginning physics students and their teachers." The entire project was created by a high school physics educator from Glenview, Illinois. This section of the website, the Multimedia Studios, features a number of helpful resources, including dozens of simple, informative multimedia presentations.
Physics Resources
2,000+ physics lesson plans on Share My Lesson from MIT.
Plant List
For science teachers looking for new resources to offer their students, or for anyone fascinated by plants, this collaboration between
the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, and the Missouri Botanical Garden is a truly comprehensive resource.
Science Activities for the Classroom
Elementary teachers can use these activities to enrich the study of many different science topics in the elementary curriculum. Topics are aligned with curriculum for physical science, earth and space science, and some life science.
Science Behind Science Fiction
A lesson plan that pairs science fiction readings with hard science readings for an exciting blend of fact and fiction.
The Educate Section is a boon to teachers. Articles are updated two or three times a month and are sorted into subjects that include Chemistry, Earth Science, Engineering and Technology, Life Science, Mathematics, Physical Science. Each Lesson Plan is accompanied by Target Grade levels, estimated time and an Educator's Toolbox.
Science Geek
This site, developed by high school science teacher Andy Allen, offers insights into Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Biology, Online Apps, and Other Resources. Includes classroom plans, and other resources.
Science in Space
In fact, the For Educators tab is especially helpful, as it features Lesson Plans on topics such as "The Laws of Newton" and "Tracking Satellites," a Q&A section, and Additional Resources for teachers.
Science in the Classroom
Science in the Classroom is an excellent resource for high school teachers. Topics may be divided into Physical or Biological sciences. Discussion questions are listed throughout.
Science is Fun
University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry Professor Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, shares the fun of science through home science activities, public presentations, scholarship, and other programs for Science Literacy.
The Education section is another great feature of this site, with Games, Handouts for Teachers, a Whale Shark Q&A, and a section on Kids Making a Difference, which profiles a number of children who have made contributions to shark conservation and research.
The section for Educators includes a browseable lesson plan area (searchable by subject, keyword or grade level) and IdeaLabs, student interactive tutorials that enhance the use of the site.\
For educators who are teaching about the power of our solar system or anyone interested in breaking research on the sun. Gallery section offers images, animation and videos of the sun.
Solstice and Equinox
The manual is available as a free PDF and guides teachers and students through the process of building a diorama designed to simulate the Sun's arc across the sky at the summer solstice, winter solstice, and spring and fall equinoxes.
Space Place
For educators and parents looking for ways to get kids involved in STEM subjects, this NASA website hosts a number of helpful resources. Readers can explore the site using the categories of Space, Sun, Earth, Solar System, and People & Technology. With
dozens of games available, students will find much that will inspire and engage them.
Space Science Institute
Teachers will find downloadable lessons that emphasize student participation and problemsolving. Resources include an experiential guide to kinesthetic astronomy, an excellent Saturn Educator Guide, and other astronomy-related resources.
STEM Career
Educators will find five categories (Extracurricular Activities, Lesson Plans, Free Software, Classroom Resources, and Other Resources) on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills.
STEM Education Resource Center
PBS offers digital media resources to help students understand concepts, practice new skills and engage in exciting, authentic learning experiences in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Teaching Climate
Educational resources and tools can be browsed by topic, including: Climate Systems, Causes of Climate Change, Measuring & Modeling Climate, Climate Impacts, Human Responses to Climate, and Nature of Climate Science.
Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology
A peer reviewed publication of ecological educational materials.
USDA Lessons for Educators
Agricultural resources for the classroom.
Volcano Hazards Program
This site from the U.S. Geological Survey can function as a lesson plan supplement or resource for amateur volcano watchers around the world.
This lesson plan from Discovery Education explores the underwater world of whales. Designed for grades six through eight, the plan is divided into sections, including Objectives, Materials, Procedures, Adaptations, Discussion Questions, Evaluation, Extensions, Suggested Readings, Links, Vocabulary, and Academic Standards.
What is Coronary Artery Disease? from Khan Academy
Taught in 12- to 15-minute sections, with the precision and simplicity of Salman Khan, the videos cover topics in order of complexity. The lessons start with What is coronary artery disease?, explaining the way the heart works and the nature of plaques and plaque build up.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science lists the facts of climate change in a clear, articulate write-up. Hear From Scientists is a list of short, educational videos with prominent scientists in the field.
Why Files
Teaching tab is loaded with helpful material, including suggested Why Files that meet the National Science Education Standards and Classroom Activities (discussion questions, quizzes, etc.) on popular topics ranging from tsunamis to the flu vaccine.
Windows to the Universe: The Sun
Teachers can become educator members, for a small yearly fee. Despite its 1990's look, educators will find plenty here to put to use in their classrooms.
Women in Science
Yellowstone Geyser Basin
For educators who are looking for ways to bring Yellowstone to life in the classroom, or for anyone with an interest in this most famous of parks, this tour offers a window into the Park's fascinating geothermal features.
Educators and parents working with elementary schoolers and middle schoolers will find excellent resources here. With 29 zoology-related activities, comics, quizzes, games, book lists, and other sundry tidbits.