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Research Guides

Senior Seminar in Economics 5860

This guide is designed to assist students enrolled in Senior Seminar in Economics navigate appropriate economic resources.

Learning Outcomes

A Hamline student should be able to demonstrate competency in these advanced-level information literacy skills and knowledge in their coursework. This library session contributes to the attainment of the university-wide learning outcome:

A Hamline graduate will be able to use information and technology competently and responsibly.

  • Frames a research question in order to develop an evolving research proposal.
  • Develops a research strategy in order to plan their academic workload. 
  • Recognizes when to select reference materials in order to fill a need for background information on a topic. 1C
  • Understand the existence of controlled vocabulary, (keyword vs. subject searching) in order to employ the best types of searches 1D
  • Understands boolean searching operators in order to design and execute complex searching strategies. 1G
  • Selects scopes and limits in database searching in order to tailor a search to their needs. 4B
  • Demonstrates advanced searching capabilities (truncation and nesting) in order to execute advanced search strategies. 3C & 3D
  • Formulates a search protocol and can locate the online help in order to determine the best way to search. 4D
  • Understands the function of “Find Full Text” and how to locate linked materials in order to access the full text resources available via Bush Library. 5F
  • Uses database/index features in order to to email, save, and print results for later use. 5G
  • Evaluates search results in order to determine if the the search they crafted has produced appropriate results. 6A
  • Moves or enters citations from a database result list into the citation management software, RefWorks. 7C

Additional topics addressed by Research Guide:

  • Recognizes empirical research methodologies exisiting in economic literature in order to model appropriate data-derived econometric methods in their own research paper. 2F
  • Differentiates between scholarly and popular research sources in order to employ the appropriate type of source for their need 2E
  • Evaluates the disciplinary findings tools in order to find those most appropriate for their assignment. 1H & 6C
  • Applies prior knowledge of library shelving and access methods in order to locate/access materials. 5A & 5C
  • Explores bibliographies, cited reference or links within results in order to discover additional sources for their research. 4F
  • Assesses data yielded from searching web sites in order to apply evaluative criteria (fact, opinion, bias, accuracy, and other) 6 D-F  
  • Employs the use of proper citation formatting in APA style in order to inform the reader when other's scholarship has been included in their research. 7B