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Research Guides

Senior Seminar in Economics 5860

This guide is designed to assist students enrolled in Senior Seminar in Economics navigate appropriate economic resources.


Could I just Google my topic?

Google and other web browsers are powerful, but still only scrape the surface.

The "Invisible or Deep Web" describes the wealth of information that does not turn up in web browser searching--including documents in databases.

Since many organizations and government agencies organize a wealth of freely available reports and papers in open access databases, these valuable documents may not turn up in your Google search.

What to do? Start with websites from government agencies and reputable non-governmental organizations.

Explore the websites for the following tools and documents:

  • searchable databases
  • statistical visualization tools
  • data and statistics
  • reports
  • research in progress (working papers)
  • experts in a subject area
  • professional societies and organizations

A selection of recommended web sites: