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Research Guides

Senior Seminar in Economics 5860

This guide is designed to assist students enrolled in Senior Seminar in Economics navigate appropriate economic resources.

Searching by topic

What is the most efficient way to find research articles on my topic?

Searching databases that collect content in your subject area: 

Bush Library provides several databases which contain scholarly (peer reviewed) journals, (popular) magazines, and professional and trade publications. Use the database limiting options to restrict your results to the type most appropriate for your research needs. Most researchers need to search more than one database in order to do a comprehensive search. 

Where is the full article? 

  • Click on PDF Full Text or HTML Full Text.
  • If these links do not exist, look for  The resulting page will give you a link to the article/journal or an option to request the article through Interlibrary Loan. 


Search tips: You may find this brief Online Video Tutorial helpful in searching EBSCOhost databases such as Business Source Premier:

Journals & Magazines

Have an article citation? Search for the journal title to see if Hamline has access to it:

Tip:Try enclosing the title in quotes (e.g. "Harvard law review") for titles with more than one word.