Anthropology Web Sites
- American Anthropological Association: Founded in 1902, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) is the world's largest organization of individuals interested in anthropology. An excellent website with many instructional subsections.
- Anthropology Tutorials: Introductions to various subjects within physical and cultural anthropology: language and culture, evolution theory, human blood, etc.. Subjects include introductions, discussion, related internet sites, a glossary of terms and bibliography.
- Experience Rich Anthropology: case studies
- Archaeological Program which includes the National Archaeological Database from the National Park Service. Your faculty recommends the Kennewick Man section.
- Anthropological Research and the Freedom of Information Act: Why and how to use the FOIA for anthropological research for information.
- The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA):"...provides a process for museums and Federal agencies to return certain Native American cultural items -- human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony - to lineal descendants, culturally affiliated Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations."
- Bibliographies For Anthropological Research: Bibliographies on subjects like dating techniques, regional information, linguistics, gender, human origins, and lithic studies.
- Voice of the Shuttle: Anthropology Page: Hub for resources in anthropology: general resources, courses, journals, departments and programs, listserves and newsgroups, and conferences.
Physical Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Archaeology & Fieldwork
Linguistic Anthropology
E-Journals, databases, and handbooks
Museums & Exhibitions
- Minnesota Archaeological Society: active group that is also seeking volunteers
- Minnesota Prehistory: Has information on archaeology in Minnesota, including bio sketches of several archaeologists. Includes information on Minnesota laws concerning archaeology. Other topics include taxonomy, sites, and technology of prehistoric Minnesotans.
- Minnesota Historical Society Archaeology: Has information on excavations, rock art, public and industrial archaeology, and educational resources. Sites includes links.