Databases and Indexes by Subject: Anthropology
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Dates Covered: 1975-present
Full Text: Partial
Description: The world's largest academic multi-disciplinary database, Academic Search Premier provides full text from thousands of scholarly publications, many of which are peer-reviewed.
Abstracts in Anthropology
Dates Covered: 1970-2004
Shelved in Reference: GN1 .A15
Description: This was the most comprehensive index for all anthropology topics, and may still be useful for historical research. Available only in print, find it on the third floor, and then use HamCAT to find citations and journals.
Annual Review of Anthropology
Dates Covered: 1972-2014. No longer have online.
Shelved in Reference: GN1 .A623
Description: Use this as a starting tool to find interesting broad topics. A wonderful example of an annotated bibliography, and always peer reviewed.
Dates Covered: varies by title
Full Text: Partial
Description: Current issues for the American Anthropological Association's most critical peer-reviewed publications, and a complete electronic archive of all AAA journals.
Cambridge Core
Dates Covered: varies with each title
Full Text : Primarily
Description: Cambridge University Press offers hundreds of titles from leading journals across the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Most of the titles are full-text. with indexes.
Google Scholar
Dates Covered: varies
Description: Google Scholar covers peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and other scholarly literature from all broad areas of research. You'll find works from a wide variety of academic publishers and professional societies, as well as scholarly article citations available across the web. Google Scholar may also include multiple versions of articles, including preprints. Most article citations require connecting to the Hamline University off-campus access server to be routed to the library to obtain access to the full text of an article when it is available.
Never submit credit card/banking information to access full text articles.
Dates Covered: Indexing begins with first issue/first volume of each title indexed. Current 3-5 years of each title not included.
Full Text: Yes
Description: JSTOR contains a moving wall of back issues of 522 journals in full-text format. Generally the last 3-5 years of publication of each title are NOT included in this index.
Anthropology Titles
Some titles indexed in JSTOR, are also indexed and available full-text in Project Muse (including more recently published articles); or check Hamline Journals for a specific title.
Project Muse
Dates Covered: varies by title
Full Text: Yes
Description: This database indexes full-text articles in over 600 journals which are published by numerous scholarly publishers. Disciplines covered include literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others.
Title List
Earlier Articles available: Some titles are indexed and full text in earlier dates in JSTOR
Sociological Abstracts
Dates Covered: 1963 - present
Full Text: No
Description: ProQuest Sociological Abstracts indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. This index also includes links to "Scholar Universe", a directory of faculty and organization profiles.
University of Chicago Press Index
Dates Covered: varies by title
Full Text: Partial
Description:An index of all the journals from this publisher. Bush Library owns several of these in print, and also has full-text access to recent issues of those titles via this service.
For older issues of these titles, consult JSTOR.