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Anthropology: Find Books, E-Books, DVDs


Anthropology Reference Books:  The following books are shelved in the reference area: first floor of Bush Library. Find other reference materials by searching our online catalog, HamCAT.

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries:

  • Try searching in HamCAT for online Encyclopedias and Dictionaries that are relevant to Anthropology. These sources might include:
    -- AccessScience Database

  • GN 25 .C65 1994 Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. This guide includes in depth articles on subjects concerning anthropology. The encyclopedia is divided into three sections: humanity, culture and social life. Articles are authored and contain references and further readings. Includes a general index.
  • GN 50.3 .H57 1997 (2 Volumes) History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia. Alphabetically arranged with extensive authored entries, this encyclopedia deals with subjects and individuals in physical anthropolgy. Entries include extensive bibliographies. Volume 2 contains a name and subject index.
  • GN 281 .E53 2000 Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory. Encyclopedia that deals with topics, terms and individuals in the world of evolution and world prehistory. Entries are alphabetically arranged and most contain further readings. Encyclopedia uses cross-references and contains several tables, including a timeline. Includes pictures and illustrations.
  • GN 307 .C68 2001 (4 volumes) Countries and their Cultures. Put out by the Human Relations Area Files staff, a consortium of member institutions. Alphabetically arranged by country.
  • GN 307 .D485 1997 The Dictionary of Anthropology. Alphabetically arranged dictionary concerning topics, individuals within the context of social and cultural anthropology. Contains some information regarding archaeology, linguistics and biology. Has cross- references and a general bibliography at the end.
  • GN 307 .E525 1996 Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Alphabetically arranged encyclopedia on terms, subjects and individuals in anthropology. Entries contain further readings and some are cross-referenced. There is a glossary of terms and three indexes: name, people and places, and subject.
  • GN 307 .E53 1991 (10 volumes) Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Deals with identified cultures in the world. Each volume deals with a specific region, while volume 10 contains 3 indexes: list of cultures by country, enthnonym, and subject. Described cultures contain basic information such as location, demography and linguistic tradition. Articles themselves include information on several topics within a culture: History and cultural relations, economy, religion, sociopolitical organization, marriage customs, etc.. Entries contain bibliographies. Each volume contains a glossary of terms, a filmography, and an Ethnonym index.
  • GN 307 .W56 1991 Dictionary of Concepts in Cultural Anthropology. Alphabetically arranged dictionary of subjects concerning cultural anthropology. Entries are in depth with bibliographies included. Includes a name and subject index.
  • GN 333 .W67 1998 (4 Volumes) Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life. Each volume pertains to a certain region in the world: Vol. 1- Africa, Vol. 2- Americas, Vol. 3- Asia and Oceania, Vol. 4- Europe. Each volume contains a glossary and a general index. Aside from basic information and introduction, entries contain information on homeland, language, folklore and religion, living conditions, family life and other customs, food, education, arts and entertainment, and social problems. Entries include map and a bibliography.
  • GN 480 .B76 1994 Marriage, Family, and Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia concerns itself with topics and customs within families, and other forms of relationships. Discusses topics like divorce, attractevness, family life, elderly, rape, sex attitudes, marriage rituals, etc.. There is a general bibliography and index.
  • GN 496 .L48 1994 Ethnic Relations: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. Deals with terms, and current subjects in theworld of ethnic relations, such as Tibetans in China, Human Rights, Minorities, slavery, racism, Kurds, Hindus and Muslims in India, etc.. Each article gives a brief overview of each subject and a list of further readings. This encyclopedia contains a general bibliography and general index.
  • GR 35 .F63 1997 (2 Volumes) Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music, and Art. Encyclopedia discusses motifs, topics and other aspects of folklore as it concerns itself with anthropology and other subjects such as linguistics and traditions. Entries are alphabetically arranged and contain cross-references and further readings. Volume 2 contains a general index.
  • GR 35 .J664 1995 Larousse Dictionary of World Folklore. Alphabetically arranged dictionary to concepts, motifs, individuals, and images in the world of folklore. Dictionary contains a section on further readings, biographical notes on prominent folklorists, a list of ethnographical and folklore museums around the world and a calendar of festivals and events throughout the world.


  • GN 42 .W44 1991 Introduction to Library Research in Anthropology.
  • GN 1 .A15 (Current 5 years on Index Tables) Abstracts In Anthropology. Abstracts of journal articles concerning physical and cultural anthropology, linguistics, and archaeology. Includes author and subject index.
  • GN 1 .A623 (27 Yearly Volumes) Annual Review of Anthropology. Contains themed and timely articles concerning anthropology, as well as, archaeology and linguistics. Authored articles contain keywords, and abstract, general article, and works cited. Each volume contains an author and subject index. Also find it from the Library's online HamCAT catalog or visiting Annual Reviews directly.


  • CC 70 .C52 1980b Dictionary of Terms and Techniques in Archaeology. Alphabetical listing of terms, and techniques conceerning archaeology. Provides illustrations and suggested readings.
  • CC 70 .O96 1996 The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Alphabetical arranged encyclopedia of terms, individuals, and subjects in the world of archaeology. Entries are authored and contain bibliographies. There are cross-references, a general index and tables.
  • CC 100 C54 2001 (5 volumes) Encylopedia of Archaeology. A major work. Can be used as a dictionary of sorts for short questions, as well as longer articles.
  • CC 165 .A85 2000 The Atlas of World Archaeology.
  • CC 165 .A83 1982 The Atlas of Archaeology. In depth entries are divided by region and time period: Europe, The Classical World, Africa, Near East, etc.. Entries discuss findings and archaeological contributions to understanding past cultures. Contains a glossary of terms and a general index.
  • CC 165 .C3 1980b The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology. In depth articles concerning subjects and developments in archaeology. Global in its coverage, each entry is authored. The Encyclopedia contains a general bibliography and general index.

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Citing Sources- the proper format

September 9, 2015- After much consideration of publishing standards and member input, AAA has decided to cease production of the AAA Style Guide. AAA style now adheres fully to the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date) which can be located on their website