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Research Remotely

This guide will help you to access and navigate resources and tools available to you remotely from Bush Library. This page will be continuously updated. To see the most current library news during the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit the  opens in new windowlibrary's homepage or Hamline's  COVID-19 page. 
Students needing webcams, hot spots, laptops or other various technologies and/or equipment, please visit the Checkout Technology Equipment page.  

pin importantStart your research!

When you're off-campus, make sure to start your research at the opens in new window Bush Library's Homepage. To access full text content such as articles, books, or streaming movies, you will be prompted to login, using your Hamline user account information (email & passphrase). From the library's homepage, you can quickly access the library's discovery tool, opens in new windowHamCat, opens in new windowresearch and course guides if you are just starting out, or opens in new windowsubject specific databases

Issues logging in?

If you are having issues logging into the network, or have other technology problems, PLEASE contact the opens in new windowCentral Service Desk. Or,  review these opens in new window Off-Campus Access & Troubleshooting Tips to self-diagnose your access problem.

Other issues? opens in new window Why Is My Wi-Fi So Slow? Here’s How to Fix It.