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Collaboration / Global Citizenship Teaching & Learning

Library resources and online tools to support your course with HP Collaboration or Global Citizenship learning outcomes.

Leganto - Reading Lists

Bush Library’s Leganto tool is designed to help instructors incorporate library materials in their online or hybrid courses. Leganto helps build reading lists that include books and articles owned by the library, videos, web resources, and more. This page contains instructions to help you get started. For individualized help, contact your Liaison Librarian.

Leganto screenshot Using Leganto in Canvas guide

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are course materials and textbooks that are licensed for open re-use and "re-mixing."

Discover OER materials and learn more: Open Educational Resources (OER) library guide

 OER World Map

Syllabi Examples

Many syllabi collections at colleges and universities are locked behind a login (including Hamline's).

Here are a few resources to help you search for open syllabi:

Use the Open Syllabus Explorer to search a large database of syllabi to find metadata information (only) on texts used in courses and associated institutions. Part of the Open Syllabus Project. Participate: add your syllabi