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Collaboration / Global Citizenship Teaching & Learning

Library resources and online tools to support your course with HP Collaboration or Global Citizenship learning outcomes.

Student Project Examples

Online student projects can help students approach course content from a variety of perspectives --and using a variety of communication modes.

This chapter, Library Instruction for Digital Humanities Pedagogy in Undergraduate Classes (from Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries) gives a great overview of Digital Scholarship Projects that the library can help you with. This includes:

  • "Publishing" - multi-media exhibits, ebooks, and student journals
  • Mapping


*FERPA Policy: consider giving students an option for anonymity or for a private or alternative platform --read: Guidelines for Public, Student Class Blogs: Ethics, Legalities, FERPA and More

Publishing - online ebooks, exhibits, and student journals

Online publishing platforms can help students develop and apply multiple literacies, while displaying evidence of knowledge creation and learning connections. Working collaboratively, students can gather existing freely licensed materials to tell a story --or collect artifacts from the local community!

Librarians can help:

  • connect you and your students to online archival collections (including Hamline's digital archival collections)
  • students in organizing and adding descriptive labels to their online artifacts
  • students understand copyright and licensing in an online environment (Finding and Citing Media Guide)
  • guide you and your students in using online publishing platforms such as Pressbooks, Digital Commons, and Omeka
  • students understand their own copyrights and licensing options
  • students understand the context of information creation and scholarly communication

Check out these examples and tools:

Ebook Authoring with Pressbooks

Online Exhibits

Student Journals


See Library Digital Services for more examples and help



Mapping projects can help students develop a deeper understanding of relationships between people, places, and time. Projects can be group, individual, private or public.

Librarians can help:

Check out these examples and tools:

More Digital Tools

DiRT Directory (Digital Research Tools): A collection of tools for Digital Scholarship research --but many of the online tools may also support student scholarship. SEE: Collaboration and Publishing.

CATME: to help in creating student teams online, community web annotation tool