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Research Guides

Sustainability Teaching & Learning

Find links to library materials about integrating Sustainability into Teaching and Learning --and brief information about Hamline's AASHE STARS membership and rating system.

Share your favorite sustainability resources and curricular ideas with us here: Google Form

Your contributions will be published on this page.

Sustainability Teaching Resources: Stephen Kellert

Name: Stephen Kellert

Department / Program / Area: CLA Philosophy Dept.

Please note any courses you teach that are related to sustainability: PHIL 3380: Concepts of Nature

Sustainability resources you want to share (title/s): (I'd be happy to share my course syllabus)

Do you see possible links across programs that this resource could contribute to? Do you envision ways it could create connections between curricular and co-curricular learning? Yes.

Sustainability Teaching Resources: David Schultz

Name: David Schultz

Department / Program / Area: Political Science

Please note any courses you teach that are related to sustainability: Public Policy and Administration (Environmental Policy) the spring 2018 I will be teaching Urban Politics and my emphasis will be in part to address issues of planning and sustainability.

Sustainability Teaching Resources: Sayonita Ghosh Hajra

Name: Sayonita Ghosh Hajra

Department / Program / Area: Mathematics

Please note any courses you teach that are related to sustainability: MATH 1130

Sustainability resources you want to share (title/s): Local field trips/ lesson plans

Are there related readings or learning resources you'd like to recommend? Hamline elementary school

Other events, contacts, or comments: Hamline to Hamline Collaboration; Fractals at Hamline