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Writing for Children and Young Adults: Search: HamCAT

HamCAT: Find Background Information / Reference

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Resource Type > Reference Entries

Usually general encyclopedias, like Encyclopedia Britannica, come up first.  But then, you'll usually see a variety of more scholarly and subject-specific encyclopedias that provide different contexts for your topic.

For example, a search a on children's stories Includes these results:

  • Sage Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies
  • Oxford Companion to Children's Literature

Reference sources also include background materials on how to sell your writing. 

Such as The Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market (published annually)

Articles in special encyclopedias that are especially valuable when starting a research project include:

  • history
  • overview
  • major theories 
  • major scholars
  • bibliography of selected/recommended items.


HamCAT scoped to Children's Literature

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HamCAT Books

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HamCAT Articles

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Resource Type >  Articles

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Show Only > Peer Reviewed Journals

To limit the articles to those that are Full Text online, use the Peer Reviewed Journals filter, then add the filter... 
Show Only > Available online at Hamline

Off-campus Access: If you're off-campus when you click on the database, you'll need to login with your Hamline username and password.  More information.