Reserves are physical items (books, media, etc.) that you can set aside for use by students. Unlike items in our regular collection, reserves items have special restrictions on how long they can be borrowed (checked-out). This ensures all of your students will have timely access to reserves items. An alternative to placing items on reserve is to create a Reading List and simply tagging items as "Course Reserves."
Reserve items are loaned from the Central Service Desk (CSD) on the 1st floor of the library. Faculty initially specify the duration for which the reserve item can be checked out (usually either 3 hours, 3 days, or 7 days) and whether or not the item can be taken out of the library (3 hour reserves only). After faculty place items on reserve, Bush Library administers the lending of the reserve materials. The library may offer permanent reserves status for items that are placed on reserve for numerous consecutive semesters.
We recommend you submit reserve items a minimum of two weeks before the start of your class. This will allow library staff time to prepare the items for checkout.
We may have access to an electronic version of the reserve materials. Be aware that some electronic resources are limited to single-use license only, i.e. one user at a time. Electronic versions do not get placed on reserve at the CSD. Tip: it's easy to create a Reading List using Leganto in Canvas to link to electronic articles and books.
Check HamCAT to see if we own a copy of the items you'd like to place on reserve.
Need help using HamCAT? Contact Research Assistance.
Try our Reading List Service (Leganto) embedded in Canvas in which you can simply tag items for reserves. Save time and effort.
Fill out a Reserves Request form for each class. Information you need for the form is the instructor name and contact information, department, course number and course title. Please include a start and removal date of items if not the end of the semester- and any restrictions on use. You will also need the title and author of each item. (If you don't like forms, try using tags in Leganto Reading Lists -- it's simpler and faster.)
Submit the Reserves Request form electronically or bring it to the CSD on the 1st floor of the Library.
If some of the items are articles or personal copies, please those with you.
We normally need 2 - 3 days to get your items on reserve, and more time at the beginning of the semester when the number of reserve requests increases. We will pull items from the collection, mark them and put them into our online system. For items that are checked-out, please allow 7 - 10 days for those items to be returned and processed.
If you are in a rush and have less than 2 - 3 days, please help us out by pulling Hamline Bush books from the shelves and bringing them to the CSD. Filling out the forms completely will help us better serve you and your students.
If you have questions about reserves or need assistance placing items on reserve, contact Meredith Gillies:
We are not offering physical reserves at this time. Faculty are invited to create a Leganto Reading List and simply tag items for electronic reserves. Questions? Contact your library liaison.