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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Resources

Citing A.I Resources

MLA Style

Format:  "Text of chat prompt" prompt. Name of AI tool, version of AI tool, Company, Date of chat, URL.

Example: “Explain the symbol of the green light in The Great Gatsby” prompt. ChatGPT, August 3 version, OpenAI, August 10, 2023,

Some of the details in the model may be confusing; for a full explanation, see the MLA webpage on citing chatbots.

APA Style

Format: Company. (Year). AI Name (version) [Descriptor]. URL.

Example: OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (August 3 version) [Large language model].

For a full explanation, see the APA webpage on citing chatbots.

Chicago Style

See the Chicago Manual of Style website for guidelines on citing chatbots.