1. Does Hamline have it?
Check for the Book
Check for the Journal article (search by journal title)
Or something similar?
To find alternate/additional materials, consult your library liaison or any research/reference librarian.
yes? ---> if it's online, link to it! If it's in print, put it on reserve.
no? ---> If we don't have it, talk to your Library Liaison about ordering it, either online or in print. Or, keep going...
2. Is it under copyright?
Check Copyright Terms
yes? --->
3. Can I use it under Fair Use?
Thinking Through Fair Use
no? --->
[4. Is it covered under Hamline's Annual Copyright License?]
no? --->
5. Get permission from rights holder. (usually the publisher).
This can take 6 - 8 weeks or more. It usually involves paying a fee--see your chair.