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Open Data - Getting Started

Guide for faculty on Open Data resources, research data management, and library assistance.

Open Data Repositories

Grant funder requirements often list recommended or required repositories for deposit of Open Data.

Another great option is a disciplinary repository which can aid in discovery by others in your field.
Find a repository: Registry of Research Data Repositories

Some non-disciplinary repositories can also help with research workflow, such as Open Science FrameworkHarvard DataVerse, or figshare (freemium model).

Digital Commons@Hamline can also accept datasets. 

Persistent Identifiers

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): this provides an international, actionable, interoperable, persistent link (thus avoiding link rot)

Data repositories may be able to assign DOIs at deposit. Organizations and publishers can work with DataCite to assign DOIs; individuals cannot register a DOI.

Register for an ​ORCID ID. This helps to link all of your scholarship to, uniquely identified, you, worldwide.

Library Assistance

Librarians can help with data sharing:

  • Understanding the potential benefits of publishing data
  • Helping create the data documentation (metadata) that enables others to successfully reuse the data
  • Connecting researchers to appropriate disciplinary and institutional data repositories or "data journals"
  • Managing scholarly identities by including datasets to their ORCID profiles or Hamline SelectedWorks Profile
  • Depositing data to Digital Commons@Hamline institutional repository

Librarians can help sustain the scholarly value of data over time through data preservation:

  • Helping researchers consider what preservation needs they may have with their data
  • Locating data repositories that provide appropriate preservation services

(Adapted and modified from University of Michigan Library, Research Data Services: