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Government Document Resources Online: Home

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Federal Government Sites have been divided into broad subject areas to facilitate your search for government documents and information. Each link will take you to the search page or the Home Page for that particular Government Department or Agency, and enable you to search for Government Documents by keyword. For example:

1. Select the broad Subject Area under which your Topic would best fit.
(For example: if your topic or keyword is the Human Genome Project then the sites listed under "Science & Technology" would be the most appropriate links to use to locate Government Documents on this topic.)

2. Your Topic may apply to more than one Subject Area.
(For example: if your topic is Bioterrorism, the following Subject areas may provide relevant information:International Affairs....Military Affairs....Science & Technology.)

3. You can also search for U. S. Historical documents using this site.
(For example: if you want to obtain historical documents on the JFK Assassination, choose Historical Affairs and click on the National Archives and Records Administration link. This will take you to the NARA Search Page. Type in "JFK Assassination" or scroll down to the JFK link.

4. Finding a Government Agency
A to Z Index of all Government Departments and Agencies

If you would like to have access to Government information at your fingertips, you can find government apps and mobile sites by agency, topic or platform.  Apps are available for both Apple and Android mobile devices.


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