Most significant journals in nearly every subject, from anthropology to women’s studies, the majority available full text.
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Offers a comprehensive collection of subject databases including journals, full-text articles, book reviews, and editorials, with all the original graphics, tables, and page numbers. The Collections are comprised of the most popular peer-reviewed journals in Communication Studies, Criminology, Education, Health Sciences, Management & Organizational Studies, Materials Science, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Urban Studies.
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You may also want to consider using Google Scholar for broad searches and JSTOR for older articles.
Search broadly across many subjects and sources for articles, dissertations, books, abstracts and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Note: Google does not identify the databases it uses; nor does it indicate the quality of the sources it provides. Use Google Scholar as a supplement to Hamline database searching.
"Journal STORage." This is an archive of academic journals in many disciplines. Full text coverage for journals begins with the first issue published and continues up to the most recent 3-5 years (i.e. current articles are not included). For example, it includes: The American Historical Review issues from 1895 forward, Minnesota History from 1915, and the Town Planning Review from 1910. Special collections within this database include American prison newspapers, 1800-2020, Independent Voices publications from the alternate press, Student Activism primary sources, and more.