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Hamline Day of Reading 2024: Supporting Trans and Nonbinary Students Through Literature and Education

A guide to library resources in support of the 2024 Hamline Day of Reading theme.

Book Lists

You can find more items by searching in our library discovery tool, HamCAT, for specific authors or titles from lists such as these:

Trans Youth Equality Foundation 

TYEF'S FEATURED BOOKS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN a list of books we feature for children up to around age 10, and
TYEF'S ADDITIONAL BOOKS FOR YOUNG CHILDREN further reading on books suggested through age 10

TYEF'S FEATURED BOOKS FOR OLDER CHILDREN AND TEENS a list of books we feature for ages 11-18, and
TYEF'S ADDITIONAL BOOKS FOR OLDER CHILDREN AND TEENS further reading on books suggested ages 11-18

Transgender Reading List for Children 
Transgender Reading List for Young Adults