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HamCAT Background Information/Reference

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Reference Sources

Usually general encyclopedias, like Encyclopedia Britannica, come up first.  But then, you'll usually see a variety of more scholarly and subject-specific encyclopedias that provide different contexts for your topic.

For example, a search a on new media Includes these results:

  • Encyclopedia of Gender in Media
  • Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media
  • Encyclopedia of Communication Theory

Articles in special encyclopedias that are especially valuable when starting a research project include:

  • history
  • overview
  • major theories 
  • major scholars
  • bibliography of selected/recommended items.

Excerpts from the entry New Media, by Kathleen M. Endres in the Encyclopedia of Gender in Media [Sage Knowledge database [online]:

  • "New media is a fluid term. Today, it means the convergence of traditional media, including film, music, audio, and video, with the interactive power of the computer, cell phone, and other computer- and Internet-enabled gadgets. Tomorrow, the definition may shift as new technologies emerge and others fall from favor."
  • The new media model of self-directed labor (self-employment, said to represent the future of work) has ramifications for women who work in the industry, but few scholars have examined the situation from a gender perspective.
  • "Women have been excluded from the design and development of the computer hardware and software that make new media possible. Moreover, women have not been involved in the design and development of key new media Websites, specifically Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia."

HamCAT Books

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The MnPALS Consortium

As part of the Hamline community, your HamCAT searches will deliver items from the following libraries: 

To search for books in the Hamline and MnPALS libraries, use HamCAT.  

To have items from the MnPALS partner libraries delivered to Hamline for you, either use the "request" feature in HamCAT. You cannot borrow items from other MnPALS libraries in person. Your credentials will not be accepted onsite.  Please use the delivery system and speak to a librarian about your needs. 

Deliveries between MnPALS Partner Libraries happen daily, on Mondays through Fridays when classes are in session. Questions about using materials? Contact the Central Service Desk (CSD) at 651-523-2373. 

HamCAT Articles

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Resource Type >  Articles

OR, To limit to Scholarly/Peer reviewed articles, select...
Show Only > Peer Reviewed Journals

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Off-campus Access: If you're off-campus when you click on the database, you'll need to login with your Hamline username and password.  More information.

Finding physical Art Books by Call Number

Hamline uses the Library of Congress Classification system for most of our books (except children's books).

The letter N - is the subject area of Fine Arts, then N is broken down into subclasses representing different parts of Fine Arts.

Read the first line alphabetically N, before NA, etc.
Read the second line as a whole number
Read the third line as a combination of letters and numbers. Read the letters alphabetically, Read the numbers as decimals
Read the fourth line as the year the item was published.